
Temple of Amenhotep III

Located across on the West Bank of the Nile near Luxor, sits the remains of the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III and next to the two statues known as the Colossi of Memnon. 


A one hour flight from Cairo, 3 hours by road from the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, and 3 hours by road from Aswan, Luxor is easily accessible by many transport links including trains between Cairo and Aswan.The Temple as approximately a 25 minute drive across to the West bank from Luxor City. 


At its time the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III was the largest in Egypt, it was built in a way in which the Nile would flood all of it except the burial chamber to which it would then emerge from the river each year.This beautiful concept was not very successful when it came to the permanence of the mostly mud brick Temple. Another factor in its reduction was that several other Pharaohs after this, took building materials from it to build their own constructions.
The main remnants of the Temple are the Colossi of Memnon, the two figures of Amenhotep III, which once sat at the Temple’s doors. When exploring the site you will see a number of statues and figures as well as the structure and remaining column bases of the Temple.